2025 Tournament Schedule

*Golf Scramble every Thursday at 5:15 starting on March 13th *

​*March 1st - Night Golf Starts

*March 29th-30th - 2 Man Net 4Ball

*April 15th - Morgan Academy Tournament

*April 26th-27th - USSwing JR World Qualifier

*May 3rd - 2 Man Shamble

*May 26th - Memorial Day (TBD)

*June 21st-22nd - Club Championship

*July 19th-20th - Member/Guest

*August 16th - Red Tee One Man Scramble

*September 1st - Labor Day Blind Draw Dogfight

*September 19th-21st - Bud Burns Dixie Junior

*October 4th - Night Golf

*October 25th - 2 Man Dogfight


The SCC is proud to welcome the 

new Golf Shop Manager:

Will Pearce


From the Golf Shop